
15 Mart 2012 Perşembe


"Toothache" causes pain around the teeth because of  tooth problems such as  a cracked tooth, a damaged tooth root and  gum disease.." The pain of toothache can be chronic and severe.. The pain may increase by chewing or by cold or heat. Doctors can see the damages in out teeth  by dental X-ray which helps noticing where toothache comes from in our mouth.
Sometimes, a toothache may not  be caused by a problem coming from our teeth or our chin. Pain around the teeth and the chin can come from our heart, our ears and our cheekbones.  Also infections and diseases of the ears can be so harmful which affects the teeth. Because of that, not only dentist can solve our problem, but only we need the other doctors who are specialist in heart.
Dental cavities & bitter abscess
The most general reason of a toothache is a dental cavity. Dental  caries are holes in the two outer layers. Both layers serve to protect the inner tooth tissue called ‘’the pulp’’, where blood vessels and nerves inside..
There are several bacteria in our mouth which are changing simple sugars into acid. The acid softens  and creates cavities. However small  cavities may not cause pain. Also they may not be realized by ourselves. The larger deeper cavities can be painful and collect food remaining. İt is important that a strong injury to the pulp can cause to the death of pulp tissue, it may cause  tooth infection. We as patients generally visit our dentists because of these larger cavities .

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